667 Member Blogs


Posted: Nov 04, 2013
To one and all , I have free time during the week days and would love to have a friend at least to meet with and be a friend and if a certain chemistry happens so be it. Most of the girls in the KC area can get away at night but my schedule only works ...Read More


Posted: Oct 31, 2013
okay so today I am writing about feminization hypnosis. I must say I never had any experince with hypnosis before but that all changed 4 years ago when I met a now dear friend of mine Doroathea. I origianlly came to her office looking to soften up some...Read More

October 2013

Posted: Oct 18, 2013
I've had an interesting couple of months. I have been fighting food poisoning and digestive system issues since August. For example, I threw up again today 10 minutes after eating. They sent me for a CT scan yesterday and determined that I am fighting ...Read More

Thanks for the Birthday wishes!

Posted: Oct 09, 2013
always fun getting older...not!!! but I still look hot, so there is that :) xoxo MissyRead More


Posted: Sep 25, 2013
10/25/2013 Came out my wife about 2 weeks ago.  Really bad news.  She wants nothing to do with Laurie.  If I want to persue Laurie she wants me out of her life and will end our 48 year marriage.  I am impotent and there has been no...Read More

Boobs Sell?

Posted: Aug 26, 2013
I've been a member on here for around 3 years and in the time I've probably changed my profile pic 1/2 dozen or so times without any issue, unlike some of my toublemaker friends, wink. I thought it was about time I changed it again so I uploaded a ne...Read More

The Perfect Evening

Posted: Aug 24, 2013
She greets me at the door and leads me to the bathroom where a scented bath with bath oils waits for me. She tells me to shed my boy clothes and that I will not see them until I leave and to get into the tub. She comes over and proceeds to shave me s...Read More

World of Warcraft

Posted: Aug 21, 2013
If anyone enjoys this game please say hi. I have been playing over 5 years and all my toon's are Gnomes. I love the World of Warcraft Gnomes. First time I saw one I knew that is what I wanted to play. Have only played Gnomes ever since. "I apologize...Read More

August 2013

Posted: Aug 19, 2013
I thought this might be a better idea rather than just adding dates and comments at the end of my profile. This is what a journal is for I think. My NBE (Natural Breast Enhancement) journey with pueraria mirifica and breast suction continues to go v...Read More

Moving Day

Posted: Aug 10, 2013
OK, so it is happening. The lease for a new apartment has been signed. The keys to my old place handed back to my landlord. She is packing as I am unpacking. I guess this is really happening.  I know there is a little bit of nerves as I think abo...Read More

Untitled Post

Posted: Jul 29, 2013
Someone asked me some details on my "comming out" and aceptance from ym girl. I thought about it and tried to pen some words. Yes, I have come out to my girlfriend, but that is a term  I hate, I shared something with her, something of me. I allow...Read More

Six Months here at URNA

Posted: Jul 24, 2013
Today marks my sixth month here ar URNA and I'm really happy to say that of all the places that I have frequented, in the past, this site has been the best decision I've ever made. The girls here are fantastic, warm, and friendly. They've welcomed me i...Read More

A Note to the Ladies and Admirers in NoVA

Posted: Jul 24, 2013
I have been thinking lately about hosting a small get together for those ladies and respectful admirers in the Northern Virginia area who are interested in socializing in a nice safe setting. I am open to having up to 12 to 20 guests at my house to jus...Read More

Untitled Post

Posted: Jul 12, 2013
I have upgraded to windows 8 and am unable to chat in the room or in private anymore. Does anyone know how I can change this situation?Read More

July 2013

Posted: Jul 12, 2013
I've had an interesting last couple of months. I broke my kneecap on May 1st (no, I wasn't wearing 7 inch heels at the time).I had surgery on may 6th, and they put two screws in to pull my kneecap back together. I have been recovering from that. My p...Read More

Untitled Post

Posted: Jul 06, 2013
Being evicted soon and no idea where to go. Brother is offering me space in his shed 2 states away provided that I make my way there on $0. Anybody have a pick-up truck and want to go on a road trip from Mid-Ohio to West Tennessee?Read More


Posted: Jun 26, 2013
So many people message me looking for marriage, so I feel this needs to be explained.   I only have multiple open relationships, where we look at people as human beings and not objects of possession to control, as marriage and monogamy do with...Read More

Kendra, a flower

Posted: Jun 26, 2013
Intro to Kendra, a Flower   All of my life I existed as a dormant seed until 2005, when all those years of existence finally changed. Somehow I survived and have fully embraced the entire being within myself. I have not spoken with my entire fam...Read More

Kendra's Poem

Posted: Jun 26, 2013
Intro to Kendra’s Poem This is a poem I wrote sometime when I was around 12 yrs old from what I recall. I had already called myself Kendra when I was a young child.               ...Read More

Untitled Post

Posted: May 12, 2013
just wanted to share how happy i am that i have found this community, helping me to feel so accepted as myself, good about myself, not so crazy or f-cked up (well, maybe that last part isn't true....)Read More

Meeting Sarah

Posted: May 01, 2013
Ok, so it happened. We had talked about it, We had discussed the idea that, it should happen in the fullness of time, at the appropriate juncture, at a mutually agreed point, we would definitely have further discussions on the possibility of this happe...Read More


Posted: Apr 23, 2013
A strange thing happened to me this week, I was at a local mall, where it is too close to my home to be enfemme, I was shopping in guy mode and a GG came up to me and flirted with me, it was the only time in my life a GG told me, that I am a beautiful ...Read More

Celebrating my First Year Anniversary!

Posted: Apr 05, 2013
It has been a year since I joined URNA (time flies) and I just wanted to say thanks for the very warm welcome I received and for all the great new friends I have made!  :)  Here's to many more years celebrating femininity together. ...Read More

Untitled Post

Posted: Apr 02, 2013
Hi and thank you to my friends for there Birthday wishes.Read More

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